2012 is about ready to come to an end. I can truly say it has been a good year! God blessed us this year with good health, bills paid, fun times, and love from wonderful family and friends.
2012 saw many celebrations. We celebrated various days of the week with our "Today is..." board. That was fun and we will continue that tradition into the new year. We celebrated Valentine's Day with a bunch of love, St. Patrick's Day with a parade and a leprechaun showering our living room with Gold Chocolate Coins, Easter with church, baskets, and eggs, we celebrated the 100 years of Girl Scouting with many scouting activities, Mother's Day with a trip to play miniature golf, Father's Day, Halloween with the Phantom of the Opera, Princess Peach from Mario Kart, and Olivia the Pig. Thanksgiving we were thankful for spending the holiday with our families, and Christmas was a special time as always.
We celebrated an 8th birthday with a Flower Power party, a 41st birthday with a present finding scavenger hunt, a 5th birthday with an Olivia party, a 10th birthday with ICarly, and a 40th birthday which brought tickets to see Wicked! And we even celebrated Charlie the cat's birthday where he turned 17 years old.
We celebrated everyday life by swimming in the summer, playing in the rain, game nights and movie nights, catching fireflies, trips to the library, VBS, sleepovers with friends, bonfires in the fall, and just yesterday snowball fights and snowman building in the winter.
We celebrated many school activities: both girls trying out for and making the school choir and extra celebration for Megan getting two solos. We celebrated Wendy's piano playing at a spring recital where she did awesome! We had a fun time at the school parade and picnic to finish off the school year in May. Then in August we celebrated a 4th grader, a 3rd grader, and my baby a Kindergartener going off to their first day of school. We celebrated Ellie getting a Do The Right Thing award at school for being responsible. And of course, we celebrated Christmas with their Christmas programs at school.
We celebrated daddy being home with us on the weekends this year. We celebrated Harry's first 5K run at Cornerstone Christian Church and then a second 5K run at Cahokia Mounds where he earned a 3rd place medal in his age group.
We celebrated mommy's 30lb weight loss, but looking forward to celebrating a bigger number loss in 2013.
We visited many places this year! We went to Fort deCharters, the St. Louis Zoo, the St. Louis Science Center, Shaw's Garden, Cahokia Mounds, Illinois State Fair, Lincoln's New Salem, and Lincoln's Tomb. We also visited the new American Girl Store in St. Louis as well as the Air Show at Scott AFB. We went strawberry, apple, and pumpkin picking. And during the Christmas season we went on the Gingerbread Walk and drove through the Way of Lights at the Shrine.
We celebrated my dad's surgery and recovery that went very well. His radiation was not a problem and we enjoyed him staying with us during those few months of recovery.
I am praying that 2013 will continue to bless us with health, wealth, happiness, and love. Praying that the New Year will also be a blessed one for all my family and friends, too!
Country Quilt
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve has always been a special day for me. When I was growing up, Santa came to our house on Christmas Eve. I never questioned why, it was just the way it was. As we all got older, the tradition continued that way no one had to get up early on Christmas and we could spend the day with our significant other if we had one. My sister and I couldn't wait until noon on Christmas Eve. That was the time when the Christmas music would start and play for 36 hours straight. Back in the day, Christmas music was only played on the radio the day after Thanksgiving, a few songs sprinkled here and there and then from noon on Christmas eve until midnight on Christmas night. We would go to sleep with the radio on because we just couldn't get enough.
Christmas Eve is also when the Christmas candy came out. Never before. It was wonderful! Mom would have trays of candy: M & M's, chocolate covered peanuts and peanut clusters, non-pariels, chocolate stars, malted milk balls, Hershey Kisses, Peanut Butter Cups, Rolos, York Peppermint Patties, gumdrops, and I'm sure more that I can't even recall. I always thought the trays looked so pretty.
Christmas Eve dinner was always something fast and easy. Then we would either all go take a bath or go look at Christmas lights and when we were done or returned home, Santa would have been there and the living room would have presents galore. There were so many presents you could hardly even sit in there but it was wonderful. It was so pretty and Christmasy you almost didn't even want to open them up. We would open them up and play with them until way after midnight. It was also cool to be able to stay up that late. I remember one year, Santa hadn't come yet, and we were waiting for dad to get out of the bathroom when we heard a knock on the front door. When mom opened the door, there were many garbage bags sitting on the porch with our presents inside. It was magic. Then there was one Christmas Eve when Santa didn't come at all. The four of us were getting into trouble and Santa never brought present on Christmas Eve, or Christmas morning. And just when we thought we had blew it, Santa had a change of heart and brought our presents on Christmas night. That was the longest 24 hours of my little life. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
Now that I have a family we decided to do Christmas the traditional way with Santa leaving presents for Christmas morning. I still have made Christmas Eve a memorable day for my girls. We have many traditions we do: they write letters to leave for Santa, we watch Christmas shows, I put out the Christmas candy (which is a majority of what my mom used to put out for us), we make reindeer food to throw outside so the reindeer can find our house, we leave cookies and chocolate milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Since we don't have a chimney, we leave a special Santa key outside for Santa to get in our house. We attend Christmas Eve service at our church and we read the Christmas story from the book of Luke in the Bible as well as Twas the Night Before Christmas. After church service and before we head home, we ride around town looking at the various homes decorated for Christmas.
I know my girls are loving it and happy because one of them wrote on their letter to Santa that this is the best Christmas ever and she hasn't even received any presents yet. I am blessed to have the wonderful memories and traditions that are from my childhood and I am even more blessed that I have 3 little ones that I can pass on these traditions and memories too, and who will hopefully keep passing them on for many generations to come.
Christmas Eve is also when the Christmas candy came out. Never before. It was wonderful! Mom would have trays of candy: M & M's, chocolate covered peanuts and peanut clusters, non-pariels, chocolate stars, malted milk balls, Hershey Kisses, Peanut Butter Cups, Rolos, York Peppermint Patties, gumdrops, and I'm sure more that I can't even recall. I always thought the trays looked so pretty.
Christmas Eve dinner was always something fast and easy. Then we would either all go take a bath or go look at Christmas lights and when we were done or returned home, Santa would have been there and the living room would have presents galore. There were so many presents you could hardly even sit in there but it was wonderful. It was so pretty and Christmasy you almost didn't even want to open them up. We would open them up and play with them until way after midnight. It was also cool to be able to stay up that late. I remember one year, Santa hadn't come yet, and we were waiting for dad to get out of the bathroom when we heard a knock on the front door. When mom opened the door, there were many garbage bags sitting on the porch with our presents inside. It was magic. Then there was one Christmas Eve when Santa didn't come at all. The four of us were getting into trouble and Santa never brought present on Christmas Eve, or Christmas morning. And just when we thought we had blew it, Santa had a change of heart and brought our presents on Christmas night. That was the longest 24 hours of my little life. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
Now that I have a family we decided to do Christmas the traditional way with Santa leaving presents for Christmas morning. I still have made Christmas Eve a memorable day for my girls. We have many traditions we do: they write letters to leave for Santa, we watch Christmas shows, I put out the Christmas candy (which is a majority of what my mom used to put out for us), we make reindeer food to throw outside so the reindeer can find our house, we leave cookies and chocolate milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Since we don't have a chimney, we leave a special Santa key outside for Santa to get in our house. We attend Christmas Eve service at our church and we read the Christmas story from the book of Luke in the Bible as well as Twas the Night Before Christmas. After church service and before we head home, we ride around town looking at the various homes decorated for Christmas.
I know my girls are loving it and happy because one of them wrote on their letter to Santa that this is the best Christmas ever and she hasn't even received any presents yet. I am blessed to have the wonderful memories and traditions that are from my childhood and I am even more blessed that I have 3 little ones that I can pass on these traditions and memories too, and who will hopefully keep passing them on for many generations to come.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Countdown to Christmas
At our house during the month of December, the question "How many more days until Christmas" can get old by December 2nd. So, to help the month not be so long we do a few things everyday to help us patiently (yeah, right) wait for December 25th.
The first thing we have always done is an advent calendar. The girls love to open those windows and see what's inside. One year we did a Charlie Brown advent calendar, and each day had something Christmasy to do together. Another year we had a Christmas tree advent calendar and when they opened the doors there were pictures of things you might get under the tree for Christmas. They would pretend that was their present for the day. This year I brought out an advent calendar I found at the Hallmark store a couple of years ago. It is a metal cookie sheet with the days written on it and the girls pick out a cookie magnet to put on each day. They pick the cookie by random so it's a surprise for everyone. They take turns picking it out each day.
Last year, Hallmark put out an ornament that came with a key and you could put a small gift inside this ornament and the key would open it. Harry thought it was neat and wanted me to buy it for the girls. Of course, you know I'm not going to say no to a Hallmark ornament. So, last year we started this tradition. Each day one of the girls gets to open the ornament and they get a small present for the day. I have put candy, Squinkies, money, jewelry, and socks in that ornament. They love it! And believe it or not, I think their favorite thing to get is socks. I usually get a Christmas pair or a pair that has Spongebob or Hello Kitty on them. Socks! Who would of thought?
New to the "Countdown to Christmas" this year is an advent wreath. We've never had an advent wreath and since the girls are all now old enough to understand, Harry wanted us to have one. So I marched right up to Ben Franklin and bought the wreath and advent candles. On the fourth Sunday before Christmas, the first purple candle is lit. This signifies the Hope we have in Jesus. On the third Sunday before Christmas, the first and second candles are lit. The second candle signifies Peace. In Bethlehem, the Prince of Peace was born. On the second Sunday before Christmas, the two purple candles as well as the pink candle are lit. The pink candle is the Shepherd's candle, or Joy. This celebrates the good tidings of great joy that is for all people: Christ is born! On the Sunday before Christmas, all three purple candles and the pink one are lit. This last purple candle is the Angel candle, or Love. Joining with the heavenly hosts that first Christmas night, we say, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men". On Christmas day all four candles are lit along with a white candle placed in the center of the wreath. The white Christ candle signifies that Love has entered our world through the birth of Jesus. We light the candles and leave them burning while we watch a Christmas show or two.
I know the girls love these traditions we do and I love counting down the days until Christmas just as much as they do!
Last year, Hallmark put out an ornament that came with a key and you could put a small gift inside this ornament and the key would open it. Harry thought it was neat and wanted me to buy it for the girls. Of course, you know I'm not going to say no to a Hallmark ornament. So, last year we started this tradition. Each day one of the girls gets to open the ornament and they get a small present for the day. I have put candy, Squinkies, money, jewelry, and socks in that ornament. They love it! And believe it or not, I think their favorite thing to get is socks. I usually get a Christmas pair or a pair that has Spongebob or Hello Kitty on them. Socks! Who would of thought?
I know the girls love these traditions we do and I love counting down the days until Christmas just as much as they do!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!
Thanks to my Mom and Granny, Christmas has always been a special time for me. I did and still do love everything about the Christmas season. Now that I have children, it's even more special watching the season through their eyes, their excitement, and their joy!

Our family kicks off the Christmas season with the Santa Claus parade, the day after Thanksgiving Every year we have taken the girls no matter what the weather. We welcome Santa to town and enjoy listening to the bands play Christmas music. The girls favorite thing, besides seeing Santa, is getting candy canes thrown to them instead of frooties!
After the parade, we have a special visitor that comes to stay with us for a few weeks. His name is Elfie, and he is our very own Elf sent from the North Pole to keep and eye on the girls. The girls love to get up in the morning and look to see where Elfie will sit next.
After lunch Harry usually sets up the Christmas tree with a few little "elves" helping. I love my Christmas tree but I'll talk more about that later.
That night, we head downtown for a Christmas carol sing-a-long and the lighting of the town Christmas tree. There is also cookies and hot chocolate for a treat.
To finish off the "Kick off to Christmas Night", each family member gets a special ornament to commemorate the year. They are the first ornaments to be put on the tree.
Wendy with Jingle!
Megan with Merida from Brave!
Ellie with Tweety Bird!
Harry with the Dark Knight!
And me with too many to list!
This is just the beginning of a special and magical time at our house! Looking forward to sharing more traditions and memories with you during this Christmas season.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thankful Days #12 - #16
Day # 12: I am thankful for my van! I never really thought I would say that. When I was pregnant with Ellie we needed to get a bigger car to fit all the kids in so we decided on a mini van. I never wanted a mini van because I thought it would make me feel too old. But...after buying the van I love it!! And I don't feel old! I am thankful that we have two vehicles that way I'm not trapped at home because we all know that a stay at home mom really never stays home.
Day #13: I am thankful for my church...Cornerstone Christian Church in Shiloh. It is a place that feels like home to us. My family has made many friends there. I love that they care so much about people. I am thankful that they care so much about our youth!!! I am thankful that they care so much about missions. I am thankful for our Pastors and the passion they show in bringing people to Jesus no matter where they are in the world.
Day # 14: I am thankful that my husband has a job that he loves going to everyday. I am thankful that he makes enough money so that I can stay home with the girls. I love being there for them when they get home from school.
Day # 15: I am thankful for authors and books. I love reading!! I am thankful that my kids love reading.
Day #16: I am thankful for my cat...Charlie! He completes our family. Although he is pretty old he still likes to play around sometimes and I cherish everyday that we have with him. Even if I do wake up to spilled water in the kitchen every so often.
Day #13: I am thankful for my church...Cornerstone Christian Church in Shiloh. It is a place that feels like home to us. My family has made many friends there. I love that they care so much about people. I am thankful that they care so much about our youth!!! I am thankful that they care so much about missions. I am thankful for our Pastors and the passion they show in bringing people to Jesus no matter where they are in the world.
Day # 14: I am thankful that my husband has a job that he loves going to everyday. I am thankful that he makes enough money so that I can stay home with the girls. I love being there for them when they get home from school.
Day # 15: I am thankful for authors and books. I love reading!! I am thankful that my kids love reading.
Day #16: I am thankful for my cat...Charlie! He completes our family. Although he is pretty old he still likes to play around sometimes and I cherish everyday that we have with him. Even if I do wake up to spilled water in the kitchen every so often.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Thankful Day #11
Today I am going to be a little selfish and say I am thankful for me! Today was a milestone birthday for me...the Big 4-0! I know at the beginning of the year I said I was going to blog about my road to 40. Well life got in the way and that didn't happen. But I'm happy to say that I did do some of the things I said I was going to do. I started helping out at the girls school in their library. I love straightening up the books and finding books to display on the shelves. I also love when the kids come up to me and ask where certain books are or can I help them find a good book. As for the weight loss, I didn't really get going on that until about June. But since then I have lost 32 lbs. I am fitting in clothes I haven't wore in a long time, I got rid of all my 3X clothes because I don't want to wear them ever again. I am 8 lbs short of one of the goals I set for my weight but I plan to keep on pushing until I hit that final goal. I feel better than I have felt in a very long time and I am happy with myself once again.
Even though I got a sick Wendy for my birthday, it turned out to be a really great day. Harry made me my favorite breakfast this morning! He even did all the dishes and cleaned up afterwards. Instead of us running around I got to relax at home looking at some cookbooks my mom gave me for my birthday, got to see my sister who brought me a snowman she had made, watched some good football on t.v., played Hangman with Megan, and sat in the recliner with my Ellie. Wendy slept most of the day but she did come down for present opening and cake (which Harry made for me all by himself and he even iced it and decorated it). I got wonderful presents from my family which included a trip to the Fox to see Wicked in December. As an added bonus, I got to spend my birthday with my dad which hasn't happened in a long time. And as a second bonus, I got tons of birthday wishes on my Facebook from friends from all over the place.
I am truly thankful that God has blessed me with a wonderful family that cares about me, great friends who take time out of their schedules to wish me a happy day, good health, a serving heart, and an all around great life.
Happy Birthday to me!!!
Even though I got a sick Wendy for my birthday, it turned out to be a really great day. Harry made me my favorite breakfast this morning! He even did all the dishes and cleaned up afterwards. Instead of us running around I got to relax at home looking at some cookbooks my mom gave me for my birthday, got to see my sister who brought me a snowman she had made, watched some good football on t.v., played Hangman with Megan, and sat in the recliner with my Ellie. Wendy slept most of the day but she did come down for present opening and cake (which Harry made for me all by himself and he even iced it and decorated it). I got wonderful presents from my family which included a trip to the Fox to see Wicked in December. As an added bonus, I got to spend my birthday with my dad which hasn't happened in a long time. And as a second bonus, I got tons of birthday wishes on my Facebook from friends from all over the place.
I am truly thankful that God has blessed me with a wonderful family that cares about me, great friends who take time out of their schedules to wish me a happy day, good health, a serving heart, and an all around great life.
Happy Birthday to me!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Thankful for days 7, 8, 9, and 10
Back to being thankful:
Day #7: I am thankful for friends! I have some of the best friends a person could ask for! They are there for me anytime I need them. Whether I need to vent about everyday life, need help watching children, advice on how to handle a situation, prayer requests or just hanging out and sharing in each others company I can always count on them to be there. You know it's a great group of friends when they stay up on a week night until 3 am just sharing your company and having fun, they follow you to Barnes and Noble even though they don't like to read, they see you at the grocery store at 10 p.m. and help you push one of your two carts out to the parking lot and stay with you until you get it all loaded in the van, you can get together with your college dorm mates like you were just living with them yesterday rather than 18 years ago, you post something on Facebook about your daughter's kindergarten teacher's house burning down and they send you a gift card for the teacher all the way from Washington state, you see a post on Facebook from one of your high school and college friends and you can immediately think of wonderful memories of them from the past and how nice it is to be connected to them again after many years. For all my high school friends, college friends, friends I have met through church, friends I have met through MOPS, friends I have met through my girls, friends both near and far, new and old, I am thankful for each and everyone of you!
Day #8: I am thankful for my in-laws. They have been there for us when we have needed them. They have watched the girls so we can have some time to ourselves. They have been there for us financially when we were struggling and not sure how to make ends meet. They are wonderful grandparents to the girls and for that I am also thankful. I am also thankful that they are here or else I wouldn't have my true love either!
Day #9: I am thankful for my house! I love my house! I love the old wood work that gives the home character. I love the kitchen that is the heart of our home and my favorite room in the house. I love the living room where we can make family memories with movie nights and family game nights, and just hanging out together. I love my girls playroom which is filled with fun and laughter. I love my dining room, because it's where we do homework and school projects and I hear the girls playing music on the piano. I love the girls bedrooms because it's shows who they are and I love to tuck them in each night. I love my bedroom because it is a sanctuary that I can call mine (even if I do share it with that guy who lives here). I love my laundry room because I don't have to go to the laundromat (like we used to do for 8 years before we moved in). I love my basement because it is a good storage place and a safe haven from the storms. I love my backyard because I know my kids can play there safely and I love my front porch because I can sit on it and read, or watch the cars go by or just listen to and watch what nature has to offer. I am thankful that I have a place to call home.
Day #10: I am thankful for the military, for those that have served and for those that are serving now. I was never really exposed to military life living in a small town. We only lived 30 minutes from Scott AFB, but I never really thought about it when I was growing up. After we got married and moved to Belleville we got to know people that were in the military. I have such a huge respect for those that are military. To be a soldier away from your family at any spot on the globe for months and sometimes a year to fight for my ability to have rights and freedoms is something that I can't even be thankful for enough. I am thankful to my friends that are military wives that have to endure running a household by themselves and being a single parent. I have the utmost respect for you. I am blessed to have met people that were stationed at Scott AFB that I am truly thankful to call friends. Thank you to the Smiths, Galunas, Reeves, Downings, Buenings, Dunns, Butlers, Casons, McCraines, Yudinskys, Thuls, Thompsons, Southers, Goods, Cummings, Porters, Pubillones, Turners, Ellisons, Buzenski's and anyone else I may have missed because I'm tired and typing this at 10:45 at night. Thank you for defending our country and putting your lives of the line for me and my family.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Election Day
Day # 6 : Election Day! I am thankful that I live in a country where I can vote and have a voice when it comes to those that are running our country, state, county, and city.
I am thankful for all of those that came before me to fight to keep our country a free country and thankful for all of those that are still fighting to keep it that way. I have read many Facebook posts today that says "what a privilege" it is to vote. I agree. It is our duty, right, and privilege to vote.
I am thankful for the 19th amendment which "prohibits any US citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex".
I am thankful for Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who paved the way for women to vote. They, as well as many others, staged protests, made banners to hold on the White House lawn, got arrested and thrown in jail for their demonstrations on making it a right for women to vote.
I remember back in grade school when all the school children from the state got to vote for the state animal. Everyone made such a big deal out of it. I was so excited to cast my vote for the white-tailed deer because he just had the cutest face. The deer did win the vote for the Illinois state animal. Once I tuned 18 I couldn't wait to register to vote for the President of the United States. Of course, I had to wait another 2 years for that to take place. Now I make sure that I vote every year. Even if there is no Presidential election there are still items that need to be voted on where your voice could make a difference.
Once you have voted, be a grown up about it. If your candidate doesn't get voted in remember we are "one Nation under God indivisible" do your part to unify and not divide. (Stole that from a friend of mine on Facebook)
I am thankful for all of those that came before me to fight to keep our country a free country and thankful for all of those that are still fighting to keep it that way. I have read many Facebook posts today that says "what a privilege" it is to vote. I agree. It is our duty, right, and privilege to vote.
I am thankful for the 19th amendment which "prohibits any US citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex".
I am thankful for Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who paved the way for women to vote. They, as well as many others, staged protests, made banners to hold on the White House lawn, got arrested and thrown in jail for their demonstrations on making it a right for women to vote.
I remember back in grade school when all the school children from the state got to vote for the state animal. Everyone made such a big deal out of it. I was so excited to cast my vote for the white-tailed deer because he just had the cutest face. The deer did win the vote for the Illinois state animal. Once I tuned 18 I couldn't wait to register to vote for the President of the United States. Of course, I had to wait another 2 years for that to take place. Now I make sure that I vote every year. Even if there is no Presidential election there are still items that need to be voted on where your voice could make a difference.
Once you have voted, be a grown up about it. If your candidate doesn't get voted in remember we are "one Nation under God indivisible" do your part to unify and not divide. (Stole that from a friend of mine on Facebook)
Monday, November 5, 2012
The Thankful Month
I am going to make a huge effort to start writing my blog again and to stay on top of it. I love writing! It's really a form of therapy for me to relax and to concentrate on something I like to do. (Which doesn't happen very often because I tend to put everyone else and their problems before mine). I have had many friends tell me that they miss reading my blogs. So, I am starting now!
It's hard to believe it is November! I think the last time I posted something here was very early in the year. November is a great month! Two of my favorite holidays are this month, Thanksgiving and my birthday, which happens to fall on Veteran's Day. November gives us a time to concentrate on those things that we are thankful for. Granted we should be thankful any day of the year. But, when life gets in the way, it's nice to have one month out of the year to help us remember what we have to be thankful for. Many of my Facebook friends are doing a countdown to Thanksgiving by telling everyday something they are thankful for. I love reading everyone's posts. It give me a warm and fuzzy feeling seeing my friends and family so blessed. I think I will jump on the band wagon and use my blog to record those things that I am thankful for. Since this is the first of November I have a few days to catch up on.
Day 1: First and foremost I am thankful that God loves me enough that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross so that my sins will be forgiven and someday I will live forever with Him in Heaven. Having faith in God is what keeps me going most days. I may not always find time to pray, or read my Bible, but I always know that He is there for me and that I have hope no matter what the circumstances.
Day 2: I am thankful for my husband! I am thankful that he is a good husband who loves me no matter what kind of mood I'm in. He loves me no matter what kind of ratty clothes I wear. He loves me even when the house is unkept or when we have Taco Bell instead of a home cooked meal. He is a wonderful father to our girls. He makes sure to kiss and hug them everyday. He tucks them in and says I love you to them every night. He helps them with piano lessons, school projects, teaches them about space and stars, and watches Mythbusters and Pawn Stars with them. He is everything I had hoped for when I was dreaming of my Prince Charming.
Day 3: I am thankful for my three beautiful girls! They are my life and I love them more than I could ever imagine. They are caring, fun, smart, talented, happy, loving, and all around good girls. Each one of them brings something special to our family. I am so proud of what kind of ladies they are becoming and I can't wait to see what the future holds for each one of them. God has truly blessed me when He made me a mom to these girls.
Day 4: I am thankful for my parents for without them I wouldn't be here! I am thankful that I have a mom that I can talk to whenever I need to. I am thankful for her advice when needed on cooking issues or child issues. Even though we don't always get along or see eye to eye, I know that we can always get past the obstacle and start over. I am thankful that I have a dad who is still alive and kicking. He has been through a lot of health issues this past year and I am thankful to still have him around. I am thankful that he gave me my love of sports - from listening to Cardinal games and sports shows on the radio while doing the dishes together to watching football games on a Sunday afternoon. And even when I'm at my wits end, I am also thankful that I have a big enough house that both my parents were able to stay with me while recuperating from their major surgeries. After all the years of them taking care of me, I am thankful that I have the means to take care of them when needed.
Day 5: I am thankful for my sister, brothers, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews, and cousins. It is fun to get together as a family and have ALOT of people in the house. Kids running all over the place and siblings acting as if we are all still children ourselves. I am thankful for the in-law siblings that fit in as if they were blood all along. I am thankful for my cousin Becky, who is more like a sister than a cousin. She is my sounding board when needed and my "date" for various dinners out!
Just writing this list about family alone shows how blessed my life is and how much I already have to be thankful for and that's only after Day 5.
It's hard to believe it is November! I think the last time I posted something here was very early in the year. November is a great month! Two of my favorite holidays are this month, Thanksgiving and my birthday, which happens to fall on Veteran's Day. November gives us a time to concentrate on those things that we are thankful for. Granted we should be thankful any day of the year. But, when life gets in the way, it's nice to have one month out of the year to help us remember what we have to be thankful for. Many of my Facebook friends are doing a countdown to Thanksgiving by telling everyday something they are thankful for. I love reading everyone's posts. It give me a warm and fuzzy feeling seeing my friends and family so blessed. I think I will jump on the band wagon and use my blog to record those things that I am thankful for. Since this is the first of November I have a few days to catch up on.
Day 1: First and foremost I am thankful that God loves me enough that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross so that my sins will be forgiven and someday I will live forever with Him in Heaven. Having faith in God is what keeps me going most days. I may not always find time to pray, or read my Bible, but I always know that He is there for me and that I have hope no matter what the circumstances.
Day 2: I am thankful for my husband! I am thankful that he is a good husband who loves me no matter what kind of mood I'm in. He loves me no matter what kind of ratty clothes I wear. He loves me even when the house is unkept or when we have Taco Bell instead of a home cooked meal. He is a wonderful father to our girls. He makes sure to kiss and hug them everyday. He tucks them in and says I love you to them every night. He helps them with piano lessons, school projects, teaches them about space and stars, and watches Mythbusters and Pawn Stars with them. He is everything I had hoped for when I was dreaming of my Prince Charming.
Day 3: I am thankful for my three beautiful girls! They are my life and I love them more than I could ever imagine. They are caring, fun, smart, talented, happy, loving, and all around good girls. Each one of them brings something special to our family. I am so proud of what kind of ladies they are becoming and I can't wait to see what the future holds for each one of them. God has truly blessed me when He made me a mom to these girls.
Day 4: I am thankful for my parents for without them I wouldn't be here! I am thankful that I have a mom that I can talk to whenever I need to. I am thankful for her advice when needed on cooking issues or child issues. Even though we don't always get along or see eye to eye, I know that we can always get past the obstacle and start over. I am thankful that I have a dad who is still alive and kicking. He has been through a lot of health issues this past year and I am thankful to still have him around. I am thankful that he gave me my love of sports - from listening to Cardinal games and sports shows on the radio while doing the dishes together to watching football games on a Sunday afternoon. And even when I'm at my wits end, I am also thankful that I have a big enough house that both my parents were able to stay with me while recuperating from their major surgeries. After all the years of them taking care of me, I am thankful that I have the means to take care of them when needed.
Day 5: I am thankful for my sister, brothers, sister-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews, and cousins. It is fun to get together as a family and have ALOT of people in the house. Kids running all over the place and siblings acting as if we are all still children ourselves. I am thankful for the in-law siblings that fit in as if they were blood all along. I am thankful for my cousin Becky, who is more like a sister than a cousin. She is my sounding board when needed and my "date" for various dinners out!
Just writing this list about family alone shows how blessed my life is and how much I already have to be thankful for and that's only after Day 5.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Trip to the Library
When I was little, I loved going to my small town library. It was a big treat for me to go in there and check out books. It was an even bigger treat whenever mom finally let me walk to the library by myself. I can still see the small little area that was set aside for the kids. There was a round table in the middle, a water fountain on the wall and all my favorite books: Caddie Woodlawn, Little House on the Prairie, Encyclopedia Brown, The Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Sweet Valley High, and the list goes on and on. To this day, I can still remember that certain smell the library had when you walked in to it. It was even more exciting when it was time for me to venture to the other side and start checking out the adult fiction: Stephen King, Victoria Holt, Phyllis Whitney, Dean Koontz, Nora Roberts, and the list goes on and on again. Of course, I still love going to the library and finding books to read that I have on my ever growing list...but I also enjoy taking the girls and watching how excited they are to get the next book in the series, or a new book no one has read yet.
Tonight Harry and I took the girls to our library and I get so happy watching them run to the children's wing and immediately start looking for their next adventure. Megan loves Fancy Nancy, Charlie and Lola, and any kind of book that has a cute cover. (Takes after her mother) She is also reading the Magic Treehouse Series as well as The Fun Day Fairies. It is so cute to see her so excited to find the next book in the series she wants. Wendy loves the Bernstain Bears, animal stories, and she is also reading the Magic Treehouse Series. She is my non-fiction reader. She has at least one non-fiction book in her bag each time we go. Her pick this week: The Properties of Gases. (She has already informed me, with a big smile, that it's not the gases from behind). Ellie's library bag is full of Dora and Max and Ruby. I think I have read every Dora book that library has to offer a zillion times. They each have their own library card and, thanks to Aunt Jayme's Christmas presents, they each have their own bag with their names on it to carry all their amazing finds home.
But...the best part of the whole thing is looking in the review mirror and watching them already looking through or starting to read their new books before my van is even out of the parking lot. When we were pregnant with the first child, I always asked Harry "what if they don't like to read?". It was a huge fear of mine that they wouldn't like to read. I should have known they would have gotten the reading gene from me.
I look forward to the day that we can read a book and pass it on to each other, have discussions over lunch about the latest Bestsellers, and get phone call or e-mails that say "you have got to read this book!". Until then I will cherish the bedtime stories, the cuddles on the couch listening to Jack and Annie travel to distant lands, and seeing what adventures are up next for Dora and Boots.
Tonight Harry and I took the girls to our library and I get so happy watching them run to the children's wing and immediately start looking for their next adventure. Megan loves Fancy Nancy, Charlie and Lola, and any kind of book that has a cute cover. (Takes after her mother) She is also reading the Magic Treehouse Series as well as The Fun Day Fairies. It is so cute to see her so excited to find the next book in the series she wants. Wendy loves the Bernstain Bears, animal stories, and she is also reading the Magic Treehouse Series. She is my non-fiction reader. She has at least one non-fiction book in her bag each time we go. Her pick this week: The Properties of Gases. (She has already informed me, with a big smile, that it's not the gases from behind). Ellie's library bag is full of Dora and Max and Ruby. I think I have read every Dora book that library has to offer a zillion times. They each have their own library card and, thanks to Aunt Jayme's Christmas presents, they each have their own bag with their names on it to carry all their amazing finds home.
But...the best part of the whole thing is looking in the review mirror and watching them already looking through or starting to read their new books before my van is even out of the parking lot. When we were pregnant with the first child, I always asked Harry "what if they don't like to read?". It was a huge fear of mine that they wouldn't like to read. I should have known they would have gotten the reading gene from me.
I look forward to the day that we can read a book and pass it on to each other, have discussions over lunch about the latest Bestsellers, and get phone call or e-mails that say "you have got to read this book!". Until then I will cherish the bedtime stories, the cuddles on the couch listening to Jack and Annie travel to distant lands, and seeing what adventures are up next for Dora and Boots.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sometimes I just need a good slap in the face to realize how good I actually have it!
Yesterday, my Brownie/Junior Girl Scout troop had a work day for our upcoming Thinking Day in February. Thinking Day is a day set aside to think/learn about other Girl Scout troops from around the world. Our troop chose Uganda as their country to learn about. In preparing for our work day, I realized how lucky I am to live where I do and to have what I have.
I gripe about the pile of clothes that I have to put in the washing machine, even though I can walk away and let the washing machine do the work while I play Words with Friends on the computer. Not even giving a thought to the mom in Uganda who washes their clothes by hand with a small child attached to her back. I complain because I have no time to make dinner when I can just run to the freezer, grab something, throw it in the oven and be done with it. Not even giving a thought to the mom in Uganda who must build a fire first and then sit by her makeshift stove to make sure the fire doesn't get out of control and burn her house to the ground. Once a month I complain about the electric bill being so high. Not even giving a thought to the home in Uganda that has to rely on dangerous kerosene lights to illuminate their house in the night time. I complain because I have to turn on the water faucet, fill up the sink, and wash dishes that can't go in the dishwasher. Not even giving a thought to that mom in Uganda that has to walk miles to fill up her water jugs from dirty ponds and lakes to get their water to survive.
Funny thing: I receive a booklet from Samaritan's Purse and each week there is a new country to pray for with a little blurb about the country. Guess what last week's country was...Uganda. After the church sermon today at Cornerstone Christian Church, I wonder if Uganda has been put in my path for a reason. I may have to clean out my ears and open my heart to see if God is talking to me.
Yesterday, my Brownie/Junior Girl Scout troop had a work day for our upcoming Thinking Day in February. Thinking Day is a day set aside to think/learn about other Girl Scout troops from around the world. Our troop chose Uganda as their country to learn about. In preparing for our work day, I realized how lucky I am to live where I do and to have what I have.
I gripe about the pile of clothes that I have to put in the washing machine, even though I can walk away and let the washing machine do the work while I play Words with Friends on the computer. Not even giving a thought to the mom in Uganda who washes their clothes by hand with a small child attached to her back. I complain because I have no time to make dinner when I can just run to the freezer, grab something, throw it in the oven and be done with it. Not even giving a thought to the mom in Uganda who must build a fire first and then sit by her makeshift stove to make sure the fire doesn't get out of control and burn her house to the ground. Once a month I complain about the electric bill being so high. Not even giving a thought to the home in Uganda that has to rely on dangerous kerosene lights to illuminate their house in the night time. I complain because I have to turn on the water faucet, fill up the sink, and wash dishes that can't go in the dishwasher. Not even giving a thought to that mom in Uganda that has to walk miles to fill up her water jugs from dirty ponds and lakes to get their water to survive.
Funny thing: I receive a booklet from Samaritan's Purse and each week there is a new country to pray for with a little blurb about the country. Guess what last week's country was...Uganda. After the church sermon today at Cornerstone Christian Church, I wonder if Uganda has been put in my path for a reason. I may have to clean out my ears and open my heart to see if God is talking to me.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Finally Some Snow!
The last couple of days I have really accomplished nothing around the house. I was too busy looking out the window and watching the snowflakes fall to the ground. I have been waiting through three seasons to see some snowfall. I love watching it snow! Was hoping for a little snowfall action today but all I've seen is the sun melting it all away.
It is so relaxing watching the snowflakes fall to the ground! It is one of God's wonderful gifts that he gives to us each winter season. That no two snowflakes are alike just baffles my mind!!! I don't know why but everything just seems more peaceful when snow is falling, and the house seems more cozy when the flakes are flying around outside. My most favorite time to watch it snow is at night. There is just that certain look to the sky that only happens when it snows and how the white is just so bright in the night.
Although, I am still waiting for a heavier snow! We still have to make a snowman, go sledding, make snow angels, make snow ice cream, and have a snowball fight. Still hoping for a heavy snowfall so those wonderful childhood memories the girls have can be added to.
It is so relaxing watching the snowflakes fall to the ground! It is one of God's wonderful gifts that he gives to us each winter season. That no two snowflakes are alike just baffles my mind!!! I don't know why but everything just seems more peaceful when snow is falling, and the house seems more cozy when the flakes are flying around outside. My most favorite time to watch it snow is at night. There is just that certain look to the sky that only happens when it snows and how the white is just so bright in the night.
Although, I am still waiting for a heavier snow! We still have to make a snowman, go sledding, make snow angels, make snow ice cream, and have a snowball fight. Still hoping for a heavy snowfall so those wonderful childhood memories the girls have can be added to.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
My love/hate relationship with the supermarket
I love going to the grocery store!! I hate going to the grocery store!!! I love going to the grocery store! I hate going to the grocery store!! Those are my thoughts each time I leave the grocery store. One time is great. The next not so much.
I love going to the grocery store because it's time to myself. As a mother of three, going to the grocery store can be the most relaxing time I have all week. Especially if it's empty, I have all the right coupons, and there are sales galore. Sometimes I hang around in the fresh food section just so I can listen to light relaxing music coming from the ceiling. I will stroll through each aisle whether I need to or not just because I can. Sometimes I even go down the liquor aisle because I have no one that will touch the glass bottles. (Yeah, that's the reason.)
I hate going to the grocery store because everything I want that is on sale is gone!! They had great deals the other day. 10 for $10 and I even had coupons to make the items cheaper. Did they have them on the shelves? Nope.
I love going to the grocery store because it makes me happy and to know that I am blessed to have the means to provide for my family and very thankful for the job Harry does to make this happen.
I hate going to the grocery store because everything I need is NOT on sale! What do you mean cheese is $3.49 a bag? Hamburger $4.19/lb?!?
I love going to the grocery store because it also makes me happy to see my shelves full of food knowing that my kids will not go hungry.
I hate going to the grocery store because everything I bought last week is now on sale THIS week!!
Shredded cheese 2 for $4.00. GRRRR!!
I love going to the grocery store because I love the excitement the girls have looking in the bags to see what I bought. "Yay, Yogurt!" "My favorite chips!" "Macaroni and cheese!" "She bought doughnuts!!!!"
I guess my love/hate relationship with the grocery store will continue until I have my own fields to grow fruit and veggies, my own cow to make the dairy products, my own chickens for eggs, my own butcher because there is no way I'm going to kill that cow or chicken for meat after I just petted it and talked mushy to it and thanked it for giving me the milk and eggs, and my own baker because I just can't make doughnuts like they do.
I love going to the grocery store because it's time to myself. As a mother of three, going to the grocery store can be the most relaxing time I have all week. Especially if it's empty, I have all the right coupons, and there are sales galore. Sometimes I hang around in the fresh food section just so I can listen to light relaxing music coming from the ceiling. I will stroll through each aisle whether I need to or not just because I can. Sometimes I even go down the liquor aisle because I have no one that will touch the glass bottles. (Yeah, that's the reason.)
I hate going to the grocery store because everything I want that is on sale is gone!! They had great deals the other day. 10 for $10 and I even had coupons to make the items cheaper. Did they have them on the shelves? Nope.
I love going to the grocery store because it makes me happy and to know that I am blessed to have the means to provide for my family and very thankful for the job Harry does to make this happen.
I hate going to the grocery store because everything I need is NOT on sale! What do you mean cheese is $3.49 a bag? Hamburger $4.19/lb?!?
I love going to the grocery store because it also makes me happy to see my shelves full of food knowing that my kids will not go hungry.
I hate going to the grocery store because everything I bought last week is now on sale THIS week!!
Shredded cheese 2 for $4.00. GRRRR!!
I love going to the grocery store because I love the excitement the girls have looking in the bags to see what I bought. "Yay, Yogurt!" "My favorite chips!" "Macaroni and cheese!" "She bought doughnuts!!!!"
I guess my love/hate relationship with the grocery store will continue until I have my own fields to grow fruit and veggies, my own cow to make the dairy products, my own chickens for eggs, my own butcher because there is no way I'm going to kill that cow or chicken for meat after I just petted it and talked mushy to it and thanked it for giving me the milk and eggs, and my own baker because I just can't make doughnuts like they do.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Feeling Yucky!
The last couple of days has found me either laying in bed or on the couch. I came down with some sort of bug and it has wiped me out. I haven't been sick like this in at least 3 years.
Yesterday my wonderful husband took the day off so he could take the girls to school and watch my nephew. He even did the dishes!! I took to sleeping upstairs most of the day. When I wasn't sleeping, I was coughing my head off. Today, I made it to the couch and spent the day there with my Ellie. We watched Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, read a few books, and played with her new Leap Pad.
After the older girls got home from school, they went outside to enjoy this warm January weather and I couldn't stand not doing anything. So I decided to get up and clean up the house and make dinner. While I was doing stuff, I realized I must be crazy! On a normal day, I find myself griping and complaining because I have to do the normal household chores when all I want to do is lay around on the couch. Here I have the opportunity, even though it's through sickness, to lay around all day and I decide to get up and clean because I just can't sit around. Well, whether I'm crazy or not has yet to be seen but the house does look nice and I am feeling a little better since I got up and moved around.
Yesterday my wonderful husband took the day off so he could take the girls to school and watch my nephew. He even did the dishes!! I took to sleeping upstairs most of the day. When I wasn't sleeping, I was coughing my head off. Today, I made it to the couch and spent the day there with my Ellie. We watched Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, read a few books, and played with her new Leap Pad.
After the older girls got home from school, they went outside to enjoy this warm January weather and I couldn't stand not doing anything. So I decided to get up and clean up the house and make dinner. While I was doing stuff, I realized I must be crazy! On a normal day, I find myself griping and complaining because I have to do the normal household chores when all I want to do is lay around on the couch. Here I have the opportunity, even though it's through sickness, to lay around all day and I decide to get up and clean because I just can't sit around. Well, whether I'm crazy or not has yet to be seen but the house does look nice and I am feeling a little better since I got up and moved around.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Each day is special
Every Christmas Eve the girls are heartbroken when they have to tell Elfie (our elf on the shelf) goodbye. There are tears, long faces, and just plain sadness. Last year I realized that they weren't as sad about Elfie leaving as they were about getting up and rushing downstairs to see where he would be each day. So, on December 31st, I told the girls that for the entire year of 2012, I will write down something special to celebrate each day.
Thanks to one of my dearest friends for starting this craft at one of our MOPS meetings. She took a tin cookie sheet and painted the inside flat bottom of the pan with chalkboard paint. Then I took some acrylic paint and wrote: Today is... I left a space and then had my three girls make flowers on it with their fingers. It turned out really cute.
Not only is it a pretty decoration hanging in my kitchen, but the girls are excited to go downstairs every morning to see what kind of day it is going to be. Today, for example, was National Spaghetti Day. I bet you can't guess what we had for dinner?
It makes me happy to see the girls having fun with just the little things in life.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy 2012!!!
I can't believe that 2012 is here. It used to seem so far away from 1972 and 1982 and 1992 and 2002. I have been somewhat dreading this year for the past several years. It's not because I don't like a new year. I think a new year is a wonderful time to restart various things in my life! It's not because I don't like the number 2012. My favorite number is 2 and there are two of them in this year! It's because I don't like the number 40! What am I talking about? This is the year I turn 40! I just can't even believe it. I don't feel like I'm going to be 40. I still feel like I'm 20 but with a bunch of aches and pains.
My birthday is in November, so I have plenty of time to get myself in order. I am not going to turn 40 and be looking like a slob, unhealthy, angry all the time, and just miserable. (By the way, that's pretty much how I am now, BUT I WILL NOT be like that when I'm 40). So instead of doing New Year's resolutions this year, I am making myself a new me for my birthday! I have 11 months and a few days to get some of this weight off, eat healthier, and exercise more. I also plan to make myself some happiness by spending more time with my kids, going out with my husband, and just doing things that I like to do (scrapbooking, puzzles, writing letters to people, blogging). I also want to get myself in check with God. I have gotten away from reading the Bible, praying consistently, not just when someone has a need that arises, and just spending time with Him.
So here's to a New Year and a New Me! Stay tuned to my blog as I will keep you updated on the progression to the big 40!
My birthday is in November, so I have plenty of time to get myself in order. I am not going to turn 40 and be looking like a slob, unhealthy, angry all the time, and just miserable. (By the way, that's pretty much how I am now, BUT I WILL NOT be like that when I'm 40). So instead of doing New Year's resolutions this year, I am making myself a new me for my birthday! I have 11 months and a few days to get some of this weight off, eat healthier, and exercise more. I also plan to make myself some happiness by spending more time with my kids, going out with my husband, and just doing things that I like to do (scrapbooking, puzzles, writing letters to people, blogging). I also want to get myself in check with God. I have gotten away from reading the Bible, praying consistently, not just when someone has a need that arises, and just spending time with Him.
So here's to a New Year and a New Me! Stay tuned to my blog as I will keep you updated on the progression to the big 40!
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