Country Quilt

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Day # 6 :  Election Day!  I am thankful that I live in a country where I can vote and have a voice when it comes to those that are running our country, state, county, and city.

I am thankful for all of those that came before me to fight to keep our country a free country and thankful for all of those that are still fighting to keep it that way.  I have read many Facebook posts today that says "what a privilege" it is to vote.  I agree.  It is our duty, right, and privilege to vote.

I am thankful for the 19th amendment which "prohibits any US citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex".

I am thankful for Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who paved the way for women to vote.  They, as well as many others, staged protests, made banners to hold on the White House lawn, got arrested and thrown in jail for their demonstrations on making it a right for women to vote.

I remember back in grade school when all the school children from the state got to vote for the state animal.  Everyone made such a big deal out of it.  I was so excited to cast my vote for the white-tailed deer because he just had the cutest face.  The deer did win the vote for the Illinois state animal.  Once I tuned 18 I couldn't wait to register to vote for the President of the United States.  Of course, I had to wait another 2 years for that to take place.  Now I make sure that I vote every year.  Even if there is no Presidential election there are still items that need to be voted on where your voice could make a difference.

Once you have voted, be a grown up about it.  If your candidate doesn't get voted in remember we are "one Nation under God indivisible" do your part to unify and not divide. (Stole that from a friend of mine on Facebook)

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