Country Quilt

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Sometimes I just need a good slap in the face to realize how good I actually have it!

Yesterday, my Brownie/Junior Girl Scout troop had a work day for our upcoming Thinking Day in February.  Thinking Day is a day set aside to think/learn about other Girl Scout troops from around the world.  Our troop chose Uganda as their country to learn about.  In preparing for our work day, I realized how lucky I am to live where I do and to have what I have.

I gripe about the pile of clothes that I have to put in the washing machine, even though I can walk away and let the washing machine do the work while I play Words with Friends on the computer.  Not even giving a thought to the mom in Uganda who washes their clothes by hand with a small child attached to her back.  I complain because I have no time to make dinner when I can just run to the freezer, grab something, throw it in the oven and be done with it.  Not even giving a thought to the mom in Uganda who must build a fire first and then sit by her makeshift stove to make sure the fire doesn't get out of control and burn her house to the ground. Once a month I complain about the electric bill being so high.  Not even giving a thought to the home in Uganda that has to rely on dangerous kerosene lights to illuminate their house in the night time.  I complain because I have to turn on the water faucet, fill up the sink,  and wash dishes that can't go in the dishwasher.  Not even giving a thought to that mom in Uganda that has to walk miles to fill up her water jugs from dirty ponds and lakes to get their water to survive.

Funny thing:  I receive a booklet from Samaritan's Purse and each week there is a new country to pray for with a little blurb about the country.  Guess what last week's country was...Uganda.  After the church sermon today at Cornerstone Christian Church, I wonder if Uganda has been put in my path for a reason.  I may have to clean out my ears and open my heart to see if God is talking to me.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm.....If God's see what you hear.......but that would be quite an adventure!
