Day #7: I am thankful for friends! I have some of the best friends a person could ask for! They are there for me anytime I need them. Whether I need to vent about everyday life, need help watching children, advice on how to handle a situation, prayer requests or just hanging out and sharing in each others company I can always count on them to be there. You know it's a great group of friends when they stay up on a week night until 3 am just sharing your company and having fun, they follow you to Barnes and Noble even though they don't like to read, they see you at the grocery store at 10 p.m. and help you push one of your two carts out to the parking lot and stay with you until you get it all loaded in the van, you can get together with your college dorm mates like you were just living with them yesterday rather than 18 years ago, you post something on Facebook about your daughter's kindergarten teacher's house burning down and they send you a gift card for the teacher all the way from Washington state, you see a post on Facebook from one of your high school and college friends and you can immediately think of wonderful memories of them from the past and how nice it is to be connected to them again after many years. For all my high school friends, college friends, friends I have met through church, friends I have met through MOPS, friends I have met through my girls, friends both near and far, new and old, I am thankful for each and everyone of you!
Day #8: I am thankful for my in-laws. They have been there for us when we have needed them. They have watched the girls so we can have some time to ourselves. They have been there for us financially when we were struggling and not sure how to make ends meet. They are wonderful grandparents to the girls and for that I am also thankful. I am also thankful that they are here or else I wouldn't have my true love either!
Day #9: I am thankful for my house! I love my house! I love the old wood work that gives the home character. I love the kitchen that is the heart of our home and my favorite room in the house. I love the living room where we can make family memories with movie nights and family game nights, and just hanging out together. I love my girls playroom which is filled with fun and laughter. I love my dining room, because it's where we do homework and school projects and I hear the girls playing music on the piano. I love the girls bedrooms because it's shows who they are and I love to tuck them in each night. I love my bedroom because it is a sanctuary that I can call mine (even if I do share it with that guy who lives here). I love my laundry room because I don't have to go to the laundromat (like we used to do for 8 years before we moved in). I love my basement because it is a good storage place and a safe haven from the storms. I love my backyard because I know my kids can play there safely and I love my front porch because I can sit on it and read, or watch the cars go by or just listen to and watch what nature has to offer. I am thankful that I have a place to call home.
Day #10: I am thankful for the military, for those that have served and for those that are serving now. I was never really exposed to military life living in a small town. We only lived 30 minutes from Scott AFB, but I never really thought about it when I was growing up. After we got married and moved to Belleville we got to know people that were in the military. I have such a huge respect for those that are military. To be a soldier away from your family at any spot on the globe for months and sometimes a year to fight for my ability to have rights and freedoms is something that I can't even be thankful for enough. I am thankful to my friends that are military wives that have to endure running a household by themselves and being a single parent. I have the utmost respect for you. I am blessed to have met people that were stationed at Scott AFB that I am truly thankful to call friends. Thank you to the Smiths, Galunas, Reeves, Downings, Buenings, Dunns, Butlers, Casons, McCraines, Yudinskys, Thuls, Thompsons, Southers, Goods, Cummings, Porters, Pubillones, Turners, Ellisons, Buzenski's and anyone else I may have missed because I'm tired and typing this at 10:45 at night. Thank you for defending our country and putting your lives of the line for me and my family.
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