At our house during the month of December, the question "How many more days until Christmas" can get old by December 2nd. So, to help the month not be so long we do a few things everyday to help us patiently (yeah, right) wait for December 25th.

The first thing we have always done is an advent calendar. The girls love to open those windows and see what's inside. One year we did a Charlie Brown advent calendar, and each day had something Christmasy to do together. Another year we had a Christmas tree advent calendar and when they opened the doors there were pictures of things you might get under the tree for Christmas. They would pretend that was their present for the day. This year I brought out an advent calendar I found at the Hallmark store a couple of years ago. It is a metal cookie sheet with the days written on it and the girls pick out a cookie magnet to put on each day. They pick the cookie by random so it's a surprise for everyone. They take turns picking it out each day.

Last year, Hallmark put out an ornament that came with a key and you could put a small gift inside this ornament and the key would open it. Harry thought it was neat and wanted me to buy it for the girls. Of course, you know I'm not going to say no to a Hallmark ornament. So, last year we started this tradition. Each day one of the girls gets to open the ornament and they get a small present for the day. I have put candy, Squinkies, money, jewelry, and socks in that ornament. They love it! And believe it or not, I think their favorite thing to get is socks. I usually get a Christmas pair or a pair that has Spongebob or Hello Kitty on them. Socks! Who would of thought?

New to the "Countdown to Christmas" this year is an advent wreath. We've never had an advent wreath and since the girls are all now old enough to understand, Harry wanted us to have one. So I marched right up to Ben Franklin and bought the wreath and advent candles. On the fourth Sunday before Christmas, the first purple candle is lit. This signifies the Hope we have in Jesus. On the third Sunday before Christmas, the first and second candles are lit. The second candle signifies Peace. In Bethlehem, the Prince of Peace was born. On the second Sunday before Christmas, the two purple candles as well as the pink candle are lit. The pink candle is the Shepherd's candle, or Joy. This celebrates the good tidings of great joy that is for all people: Christ is born! On the Sunday before Christmas, all three purple candles and the pink one are lit. This last purple candle is the Angel candle, or Love. Joining with the heavenly hosts that first Christmas night, we say, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men". On Christmas day all four candles are lit along with a white candle placed in the center of the wreath. The white Christ candle signifies that Love has entered our world through the birth of Jesus. We light the candles and leave them burning while we watch a Christmas show or two.
I know the girls love these traditions we do and I love counting down the days until Christmas just as much as they do!
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