Country Quilt

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome 2015!

I'm really looking forward to starting a new year.  Last year was a depressing year for me.  I lost my cat that I had for 18 years on New Year's Day 2014.  I lost my Mother-in-law on my 20th wedding anniversary in July. Our second car died in November leaving us wondering how we were going to be able to afford a car payment, and I have 3 parents that are fighting cancer: my father-in-law is fighting pancreatic cancer, my father is fighting prostate cancer, and my mom's boyfriend is fighting lung cancer.  We did have some good moments: friends that came to visit from Michigan, going on a scavenger hunt to find 250+ cakes around the St. Louis area, the girls entering items into the County fair and each coming home with 2 ribbons, and welcoming two new kittens into our home.  Despite the fun times we had, I think I got depressed over the year and would comfort myself by eating, or I would feel anxious or bored and would eat.  Sometimes I would even go back bed after the girls left for school and sleep all day until it was time to go get them from school.  I was mean, angry, and stressed out almost the entire year.  I was not a fun person for my family to be around and I would hide it from anyone else.

I am hoping that 2015 will be a different year for me.  I need to spend way more time taking care of myself.  Being a role model that my three girls look up to is really number one for me this year.  This includes eating better and exercising to lose some of this weight.  I have not been feeling well physically and I think my weight has a lot to do with it.  I am also going to be making a Dr. appointment to get a check up and see where I stand on my health.

I also need to spend more time with my family.  I love to help other people and volunteer my time but it is cutting into the time I spend with my family.  So I will be backing off a few things that I have done over the last couple of years and toning down the amount of time I spend on other things.  The girls are growing up so fast that I need to enjoy the time while they still want me to be around with them.  I also need to spend more time being a wife to my husband.  We need to start spending more time together too.

I am really going to strive to keep up this blog this year.  I didn't type one thing on here in the year 2014.  I don't look at writing on this blog as another thing to do but as a form of therapy for me to write down things that make me both happy and sad.

I am hoping that after this little hiatus I took, that you will still follow my blog and see how the year pans out for my family.  I am hoping that the New Year also brings many blessings to you and your loved ones.

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