Country Quilt

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In - Week 6

Good morning!  Wednesday weigh-in is here again.  Was a little worried about this week.  We went up to the state fair this past weekend and you know there is really not anything good to eat at a fair.  I didn't do too bad though.  I had a grilled pork chop sandwich, a few bites of the girls funnel cake, and  a slushie.  Today the results showed that all is good.  Down 2 lbs this week!  Proud to say that I am 3 lbs away from my first goal.

I am feeling better than I have been in awhile.  The last couple of days Harry has had to work late so I actually got up in the morning to walk before he left for work.  The most I have hit the snooze is twice, which is really good for me.  I can go a half hour or more just hitting that snooze button. 

I am still soda free.  Been drinking alot of tea and water.  I am actually craving water probably because I am trying to be more active.  I have exercised everyday this week!  Walking around 2 days of the state fair was definitely considered exercise!  I have gone out to eat at restaurants a couple of times this week and made good choices even though those onion rings smelled so good!  Can't give into temptation now.

Breakfast is my favorite meal to eat.  My favorite things to eat for breakfast are:  Kelloggs Nutra-grain waffles, chocolate Cheerios, Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Toast, and I have made my own egg and cheese biscuits by using 100 cal English muffins, fat free cheese, and a scrambled egg.  I also have a great recipe for French toast using hot dog buns. They are delicious and really low in calories and fat.  Of course, fruit has continued to be present as much as possible.  Throw in some turkey bacon that we occasionally have and I could eat breakfast for lunch and dinner too.  I know some people usually skip a meal to try to lose weight but that is not helpful at all.  Especially breakfast.  Breakfast should be the biggest meal you eat while dinner should be the smallest.  What do you have for a low-cal breakfast?  Would love to get some new ideas to change it up.

This week, I will be pushing on to reach my first goal.  I will continue to exercise everyday and watch what I am eating.  I also may try to add in some weights this week.  I leave you with this quote that I found in a book I was reading.  Albert Einstein once said, "nothing happens until something moves".  He was probably talking about science but it works just as well with shedding lbs. and exercising.


1 comment:

  1. Way to go babe!

    My fav's (as you know) are Honey Bunches of Oats, Turkey Bacon, Egg Beaters, Turkey Patties, and Potatoes O'Brien...not all together.

    Water is the key...I'm telling you.

    We should get Workout Tee's with the Quote on them....nice....
