Country Quilt

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School Time

It's that time of year again!  Bedtimes are once again 8 p.m., Hello Kitty alarm clock blasting out Radio Disney at 7:00 a.m., lunches being packed, one crying because she doesn't like what I made her for lunch, the other one crying because she doesn't want to wear those clothes, the third one crying because the other two don't want her to walk to school with them.  Yes, it's back to school time!

I love back to school time!  Of course, I kid the girls and tell them it is mommy's most favorite holiday in the whole year.  I start the first day of school count down with weeks to go.  Every time we pass by the school, I wave and say "see you soon".  They think it's because mommy needs a 10 month vacation (which I do) but the real reason is I am so excited to be starting the year right there with them. 

When I was a kid, I enjoyed going to Wal-mart to purchase my back to school supplies.  I would put my own name on them and have them just so.  I'm still going to Wal-mart to purchase back to school supplies and putting names on them and having them just so, except this time I have to pay for them with my own money.  The girls love it too.  They have fun picking out the color/design of a folder or notebook they want, putting crayons, markers, pencils, and glue sticks, and glue sticks, and glue sticks in the cart.  Then you have to go clothes shopping.  Deciding what to wear on that first day of school can wear you out alone.  My girls are still young enough that I can say "Hey, how about this cute outfit?" in an upbeat sing songing tone and they are like "Yeah!".  At this point it doesn't matter if it came from Target rather than Abercrombie & Fitch just as long as it's new.  I'm sure that won't last too much longer, since the pre-teen years loom very close in my future.

Another thing I loved about the first day of school was seeing who your teacher was and who was in your homeroom class that year.  Especially the boys.  I won't put the boys names on here since many of them are my facebook friends.  I wouldn't want to embarrass myself by making known my 5th grade crush from some 30 years ago.  It was great seeing all your friends that you didn't get to see over the summer.  Everyone talking at once, jumping up and down, admiring clothes, shoes, and boys together.

I love when the girls come home from school and are excited about what they did or the happenings that took place at school that day.  I love seeing the art projects they made and their ecstatic faces when I oohh and aahh over it and then hang it up on our special wall in the kitchen for all to admire.  I love spelling words!!!!!  I love listening to them read their homework to me while I'm cooking dinner.  Not too fond of the math, but I survive it by putting on a fake happy smile that says "Math is cool" and then pass it off quickly to daddy. (Sorry Mr. Derwort, Mrs. Danford, and Mr. Lewis, I still don't get it).  I love when they get excited about incentives they can earn from the treasure box, or parties they are having, or family reading nights, fall festival nights, grandparents day, parents day, and book fairs.  Ah, the book fairs.

From starting out in the little kindergarten building in Marissa with a half day of class and Mrs. Kuhnert as my first teacher, all the way through college to my senior year at Blackburn with my favorite college professor Dr. Singh right there along side of me, I always loved the first day of school.  I see the excitement in the girl's eyes as they start their 2nd and 3rd grade years and I just hope and pray that excitement carries them all the way through their senior year in whatever college they choose (as long as it's close to home, sniff, sniff, tear, tear). 

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